Sunday was family day and spent it with my sister's family. We went to the house of her brother in law and curiously tried this thing called "noah ion cell cleanse". Its use is for detoxifying. I was so skeptic about it because all you have to do is soak your feet in water with this blue machine, remove all metal objects in your body and wear this blue thing on your wrist and after 30minutes, the water in the container where you soaked your feet would turn into a yucky color. They say its some of your dirt in the body,. I was not too sure about it but doctors actually recommend this to their patients.
(bottom) watching how the clear water becomes yucky. Skepticism is needed at times:)
(bottom) benefits and the meaning of colors in the water. Mine had green bubbles on it,. Im not too sure it it was just a coincidence because green means kidney or UTI problem. 3 years back i was confined for 3 days due to pyelonephritis or a more serious kind of UTI. I still feel back pain (where kindeys are located) once in a while.

(bottom) me bored and waiting.. (right) the machine used.

(left side), what the water looks like after 5 minutes. My brother in law did not soak his feet for a while just to see if the color of the water will still change. And if it did, then this is a hoax but it didnt. the color of the water only began to change right when he soaked his feet. (right) after 22 minutes in the water. the funny thing is my water is a little lighter than my sister who's already 40 years old. does it mean she has more waste in her body because she's older?