Thursday, March 17, 2011

My version of Royce Chocolate chips

I always put my chocolate in my bag of chips.. i enjoy the combination of sweet and salty on my food. Its really addicting. My sisters used thinks that i eat chocolate as my "ulam".. but that just nasty. They dont realize that i only eat my chocolate when i already swallowed my viand with rice, which makes it look like im eating both at the same time. Good thing i slowly got rid of that habit already.. thats just unhealthy.. but lo and behold came ROYCE chocolate chips! another combination of sweet and salty! didnt buy it thou, just test tasted it.. and been thinking about it since :) so i made my own version of it using Nova chips and white chocolate. Not for me but for Ivan. But im guilty of eating a few.. my version is funny looking and messy but its still good haha