Monday, November 29, 2010

Famous Cousin

My cousin Obie is in a band called Christafari.. and we cousins didnt know he's already somewhat famous until our uncle sent us the link on the video called "the obie factor".. haha after we watched it, we laughed so hard and emailed him right away... apparently he was too embarrassed to show it to family and had no idea his dad already broadcast it to the clan.. this video was taken when they were in Argentina. Chistafari means "soldiers for Christ" and its a Christian reggae band. You may think these people are just like any ordinary Bob "weed" Marley but they're really not because their music only focuses on God and his goodness. the video below is just too funny for me but you only see the obie factor at the end of the video..


this picture was taken last year, the first time we watched Christafari in L.a.. luckily we had the chance to see them play because they dont stay in one place for a long time. they usually travel around for concerts.. usually brazil. . thats me, marc (my brother), kim (sister) obie and janica (cousins)

if you're interested in Christian reggae songs, check out their website at or you could just type christafari on google and you'll probably find their music there. below is a pic of me with obie at our old valle3 kitchen.. this was after watching my brother's gig at saguijo back when he wasnt famous yet haha ngayon di na sya ma reach :)