Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Movie: due date

If you like the movie Hang over then i think you'll like "due date" because both movies have the same director and the humor is absurd in a very hilarious way! you'll surely laugh your ass off! but the real reason why we watched it yesterday was because of Robert Downey Jr.. Ivan and i are both big fans of him and he's the reason why we named our Chow Chow "Sherlock" from the movie Sherlock Holmes.

 Robert Downey is inappropriately hot for me. he's not too good looking like a Ken doll but his over all appeal and his personality made a distinctive name in hollywood and his Sarcastic humorous deliveries while remaining completely stone faced is his trademark.. i had the biggest crush on him when i was 5 or 6 maybe when i watched the movie "chances are".. very sweet romantic movie.. i hope he makes more movies and not return to his drug addict days.. i hope he's done with that phase in his life already :)